Kundalini Yoga Western Australia Inc (KYWA) is a not for profit organisation whose object is to represent, uphold and share the teachings of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan in Western Australia. Its members are a collective of Kundalini Yoga Teachers living in W.A..
Evolving from a desire for Sanghat a foundation of strong and steady growth of KY in W.A. blossomed. Shaped by the passion and uniqueness of its members and their common thread of desire to be of service to the wider community, we hope the vision for KYWA Inc will continue to flow naturally for members and all students of Kundalini Yoga in W.A.
Our communal offerings include this website, monthly newsletters, Facebook and Instagram. Roving Full Moon Mediations are held monthly. Special events such as the Summer Solstice Celebration. We also actively promote our members classes, their own unique events, and our local Teacher Training Schools.
We hope you enjoy visiting our website…….
We also would like to acknowledge and thank Richard Tilney Bassett for the wonderful photos he took for our website.